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Aduna: Making Baobab Famous

I first heard of the baobab tree at school when I learnt that that its flowers bloom at night, that its leaves are edible and that its trunk can store hundreds of litres of water.

But, until I was introduced to Aduna, I never knew about the baobab fruit which is one of the most nutrient dense foods in the world.

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Baobab contains more antioxidants than any other fruit

In fact, baobab powder is a rich source of vitamin C, contains more antioxidants than any other fruit and is almost 50% fibre!

This means that baobab has amazing health benefits, contributing to normal:

  • energy release
  • immune function
  • skin health

Just as amazing is that Aduna’s baobab range is both 100% organic and 100% natural – baobab powder has a shelf life of 3 years so there is no need for either additives or preservatives!

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You can imagine my excitement when I found a baobab tree in Mustique!

But what I love most about Aduna is its mission to create sustainable livelihoods for small-scale farmers in rural Africa.

Through the baobab supply chain, Aduna empowers 700 women who benefit from a fair and regular income in Upper East Ghana – the brand’s social business model means that every single purchase makes a real difference.

You can read the inspiring stories of Akongba Kudara and Weniamo Kwarayire, two Ghanaian baobab producers, here.

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It’s easy to add baobab into your daily diet

There’s lots of imaginative ways that you can start incorporating baobab into your diet from stirring it into porridge or baking it into brownies.

Here you can learn to make delicious berry smoothies using Aduna baobab powder.



  • 2 tablespoons baobab powder
  • 1 cup blackberries
  • 1 cup raspberries
  • 1/2 cup yoghurt
  • 1/4 cup oats

Plus honey to taste (as much or as little as you like) – I recommend organic varieties such as the RSPB’s organic cloudy honey.


  1. Whizz all the ingredients in a blender until smooth.
  2. Garnish (I used fresh mint leaves) and serve with a drizzle of honey.
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Learn how to make delicious berry smoothies

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Frozen blueberries – picked last weekend from our hedgerows

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Garnished with fresh mint – another find from the garden!

You’ll not only find baobab at Aduna – you can also buy the super-ingredients Moringa and Super-Cacao.

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Cosying up with a hot chocolate last weekend

Keep an eye out on Facebook next week where I’ll be revealing my favourite hot chocolate recipe using another (not so) secret ingredient from Aduna.

*Please note that the the Baobab and Super Cacao you see photographed in these photos were kindly provided to me free of charge by Aduna.

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